Congress has rejected the alternate stopgap spending bill

Lawmakers took another try at passing a stopgap spending bill late last night, but it was widely rejected across both parties. A government shutdown is now just hours away, and farmers are still waiting for answers on emergency aid.

The original plan was rejected previously by the incoming Trump Administration. The alternate plan did include emergency aid for the farmers. House Ag Committee Chair GT Thompson endorsed the legislation, saying the additional economic support will help mitigate the downturn in the ag economy. To help save costs, the plan dropped other provisions like year round sales of E-15, which did not sit well with energy groups.

Growth Energy’s Emily Skor released a statement saying, “Leaving E-15 on the cutting room floor is like putting coal in the stocking of America’s drivers, farmers, and rural communities.”

Skor and others are urging lawmakers to reverse course on that provision before the deadline later today. Lawmakers are still on the Hill and are working to come up with another bill that appeals to both parties and the incoming Administration.

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