How can Congress work to deliver for farmers and ranchers in the new year?

It has been a tense couple of weeks in the nation’s Capitol, but lawmakers were able to deliver for the nation’s farmers and ranchers. The Farm Bill got another extension this month, and the Farm Bureau hopes to keep the momentum going into next year.

“I think we can build off the success that we had in December here and get a new farm bill with new and improved, modernized safety net so we don’t need this aid. We can rely on that farm safety net of crop insurance and Title I,” said Joe Gilson.

Gilson warns there could be some delays in getting farmers the emergency aid that was recently passed because of the upcoming power shift in Washington.

“The transition, there could be some snags. I’m sure the incoming administration is going to want to put their stamp of approval on whatever gets sent. We’ll be working with USDA at the Farm Bureau to make sure these dollars get out the door as quickly as possible, so the banks know the money’s coming.”

At the last minute, lawmakers were able to pass a spending bill to keep the government open. That legislation includes more than $20 billion in assistance for farmers.

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