Labor reforms are causing confusion among the ag industry

Labor is the largest cot for farmers. Reforms are making their way through the courts right now, but ag groups say it is causing confusion.

“We now have three separate preliminary injunctions that have been imposed on DOL moving forward, with individual provisions in some cases of that rule for specific audiences. And in other cases, actually a full preliminary injunction on the rule in its entirety. It’s created an incredibly complex situation where different folks would be subject to different aspects of that rule. And we’re still seeking clarity from the Department of Labor regarding how they’re going to move forward on that. Our hope is, frankly, a full repeal, and that’s what we’re pushing for with this new administration when they come in,” said Kate Tynan.

Tynan says she would like to see the survey around the adverse effect wage rate go away, calling those increases a big industry problem.

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