NCBA is concerned about the recent dietary guidelines and its impact

The recently released dietary guidelines are not sitting well with the ag industry. NCBA says they have concerns around the policy they call “influential.”

“The scientific report that came out is certainly not written in stone. It’s not the same as setting federal policy, but it is very influential in this process. And so when we see in that report a whole lot of conclusions that are frankly completely unsupported by the advisory committees’ own science, things like reducing red meat intake and reducing meat, poultry, and eggs as an entire category. That’s pretty concerning to us and something that we certainly don’t want to see survive, frankly the rest of the process, the next sort of 6 to 12 months when the agencies will be writing the actual dietary guidelines themselves that end up dictating that federal policy on school lunch. And some other programs,” said Sigrid Johannes.

Johannes tells the Advisory Committee’s report even goes against USDA’s own guidelines.

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