“Next year is going to be different": Sen. Thune vows to kickstart ag legislation in 2025

Incoming Senate leadership is frustrated with the lack of action on the Farm Bill. Senator John Thune, the soon-to-be Majority Leader says come next year, ag legislation will get much-needed attention.

“Eleven of the 12 were reported out of the Appropriations Committee last summer, available for floor consideration. We could have had them on the floor, but, like everything else, that’s languished. A farm bill expired. A lot of farmers and ranchers out there, wondering what’s going to happen with no farm bill. But the one thing I can tell you about next year is it’s going to be different. The American people, I can tell you, this is not, that the way the Senate is operating today is not the way it’s going to be operating in the future. We aim to fix that.”

Thune has already released the Senate schedule for next session. It shows 10 straight weeks to start the new year, with Senators putting in five days a week most of the year.

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