Roger McEowen: Grain Elevator Risks

August 4, 2017

NASHVILLE, Tenn (RFD-TV) RFD-TV’s “Market Day Report” hosts a weekly interview with Roger McEowen, Professor of Agricultural Law and Taxation at the Washburn University School of Law, and an affiliate with the Kansas Farm Bureau.

The topic of this week’s interview: Low commodity prices over the past couple of years have resulted in financial stress for a large number of farmers. An associated concern is the strain placed on grain elevators. If an elevator fails, what’s the impact on farmers who have deposited grain? What rights does a farmer have when an elevator fails? How much can be recovered, and when can it be recovered? Are the rules any different if grain has been sold on contract to the elevator?

Professor McEowen gives his answers to these and other questions in the video above.