The Farm Workforce Modernization Act is a top priority for Rep. Dan Newhouse in 2025

Going into the new year, ag labor reform is on the minds of many. With so many labor challenges plaguing the industry today, Representative Dan Newhouse says his Farm Workforce Modernization Act is a top priority in 2025.

“I’m gaining support for that, all the time. People recognize the importance of a legal workforce and recognize how important immigrants are to the agricultural industry.”

The Congressman says the support of farmers across the country has been critical in spreading awareness of the Act.

“The good thing is farmers all over the country are communicating with their members of Congress and telling them how big of a problem this is. And so, you know that’s going to drive getting this done. So, I continue to be optimistic and understand the challenge and the work ahead to get it through, but if we can clean up our borders, we’ll be able to get a lot of things done.”

Congress is set to return to D.C. on January 3rd but despite a lengthy to-do list waiting for them, Representative Newhouse says he is hopeful the Act will pass early next session.

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