Year-round E15 sales may pick up speed next year, according to American Farm Bureau

A last-minute government spending bill left year-round sales of E15 on the chopping block. Despite the letdown, ag groups say this year got closer than ever before, and it could become a reality in 2025.

“I think this issue of getting year-round E15 sales has been an issue that the ethanol and farm communities have worked on for the past 15 years, and I don’t think it’s ever got this close. We’re close. Corn and oil states are aligned. Democrats and Republicans are aligned. So, I do think it’s just a matter of time, but we’re still going to have to press early on in this next Congress to get it fixed by the summertime driving season in 2025,” said Joe Gilson.

Year-round E15 sales were in an early version of the stopgap plan but were dropped in the final version despite a lot of support. Gilson says it is that backing that could be the tipping point needed for the next Congress to take action.

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