National Milk Producers on reintroducing Farm Workforce Modernization Act

Milk producers are voicing support for the reintroduction of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. The legislation focuses on broadening ag labor reform, an issue recently underscored by pandemic disruptions.

Alan Bjerga with National Milk Producers Federation speaks with RFD-TV’s own Janet Adkison on what the bill means for ag labor, what the next steps are, and the current atmosphere of DC.

“In the next few days, we are expecting to see the House of Representatives discussing the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. Now we’ve seen this legislation before; it actually passed the House on a bipartisan basis in December of 2019. It is an attempt to modernize and update ag labor policies... when it passed the House in 2019, it was the first piece of agricultural reform legislation and immigration policy since 1986,” he states.

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