Nestle’s journey to sustainability: net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

Corporate America is taking notice of the ag industry and now more than ever, they are letting Americans know how they support America’s farmers and ranchers.

Nestle is the largest food and beverage company in the world. It says that it is relying on agriculture to tell its story, about how it is becoming more sustainable.

The big target now is 2050, when Nestle says it will reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

“We will reduce our emissions by 20 percent by 2025 and by 50 percent by 2030, and the way that we’re going to do this, to accelerate our action is by investing more than $3 billion dollars in agriculture to help us get there,” Emily Johannes explains. “This is because we believe agriculture is the solution and not the problem in our road to net zero.”

She goes on to say, “We’re going to partner with farmers and ranchers to support regenerative agriculture practices to ultimately reduce the carbon footprint of dairy and beef in our supply chain, because, again... they’re so vitally important to our business.”

They will also be changing their packaging to be recyclable and reusable by 2025.