Threat to Ranchers’ Livelihoods: NCBA responds to New York Times blaming ag for climate woes

Ag leaders are coming out swinging, after a New York Times editorial that blames agriculture for the world’s climate woes. The fourteen-minute video is called “Meet the People Getting Paid to Kill our Planet.”

The video uses the phrase “big agriculture,” to claim powerful lobbyists in Washington are responsible for causing permanent damage to the planet. The editorial points its finger squarely at the beef industry.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association released a response, debunking many of the myths in the video. The group says that the video threatens ranchers’ livelihoods, and makes claims that lack credible sources.

“Sharing opinion pieces that masquerade as journalism is irresponsible and damaging to the livelihoods of nearly a million farmers and ranchers across the country. We’re disappointed in the New York Times’ decision to publish this piece without properly vetting the information... and we’ll continue to defend against misinformation and propaganda that targets American agriculture without apology.”

Our own Tammi Arender spoke with the CEO of NCBA, Colin Woodall at the largest annual beef industry event for his take on the piece.


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