Can technology operate as fast as farming demands?

Artificial intelligence is already making its mark on agriculture, but one challenge is the need for more powerful computing systems.

From using vision technology to detect plants, weeds, or pests, to incorporating lasers for precision, the future of farming is becoming more high-tech. However, a tech CEO says the real bottleneck is ensuring the technology can operate fast enough to meet the demands of farming.

“Like using vision to detect: is that the plant or is that the weed? What’s a pest? What’s not? Maybe even use lasers, right? The future is here in terms of using that. What holds it back is the computer power. The technology is cool but if it takes two and a half, three to do it. That’s not practical. The things that you’ve envisioned or thought of as science fiction is now coming into reality. People figured out how engineer equipment. Now it’s about applying state-of-the-art, computer technology to actually make it run fast, and make it run in a way that is actually usable and economical for you,” said Chris Walker, CEO of Untether AI.

Walker says his company has created a chip designed to help run AI models faster and more accurately.

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