Country Music To The Rescue: Well-known Kentucky native is helping flood victims

Country music artist, Tyler Childers, showed up in Jenkins, Kentucky to help out flood victims. He is posing here with James Addington who is from the impacted area.

Childers himself is actually a native of eastern Kentucky and graduated from Johnson County in 2009.

According to Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, the death toll has risen to at least 37.


Kentucky Ag Commissioner and Kentucky Farm Bureau on Deadly Floods: “Different kind of disaster” and “help is needed”

Kentucky Farm Bureau on Deadly Floods: “We’re just trying to provide a service to residents”

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So far, Black Cutworm Moths have been trapped in Wisconsin and Illinois. The invasive pest larvae can cause crop damage if the eggs are not destroyed before they hatch.
National Sorghum Producers Executive Director Greg Ruehle says there’s a discrepancy between sorghum producer’s reports of this year’s crop and the USDA’s forecast.