Stoney Ridge Farmer: Bye, Weed Whacker! This Trimmer Is A Game-Changer!

Today on the Stoney Ridge Farm we’re trying out an awesome, new tool to help with lawn care and maintenance. This DR String Trimmer is such a game-changer for us, we may never pull out that old weed whacker again!

We have 150 acres of land here on our first-generation farm, which is a lot of space to maintain. Typically, I have a gentleman that leases the pond from me—but this year he decided not to, and maintaining the pond banks is on me. This is an area I usually weed whack about seven times each summer. I’m going to show you guys how to put the string in this critter and we’re going to test it out around the pond versus running that big old weed whacker and making a total mess.

Stoney Ridge Farmer
The New Crop