Premieres Tue, 9/10/24 – 9 PM ET | 8 PM CT | 7 PM MT | 6 PM PT
FarmHER Moriah Hunter joined us Tuesday on Market Day Report to share what it was like having the FarmHER crew visit her hay and beef operation, Hunter Creek Farms, in La Grange, Ky.
Ball Horticultural Company, Blue Diamond, Domino’s and Wrangler will be celebrated Friday, Oct. 25
Let’s meet FarmHER Katie Hitchcock, a Salinas Valley, Calif.-based sweet baby broccoli producer. She stars in an episode of the FarmHER, which returns to RFD-TV this September.
Premieres Tue, 9/3/24 – 9 PM ET | 8 PM CT | 7 PM MT | 6 PM PT
America is #StillFarming
RFD-TV is proud to provide daily agriculture and markets news to the hard-working farmers across Rural America ever day, but it is a special joy to celebrate our viewers today on National Farmers Day!
One economist believes that though people are changing their spending habits, the current herd contraction will continue.
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Outdoor Activities & Sports
Avian flu shocking jump to dairy, the possible impacts on ag trade in the Key Bridge fallout, herd management in drought & more top stories from last week.