How does the Minnesota Farmers Union want the 2023 Farm Bill treated?

As Farm Bill discussions continue, the Minnesota Farmers Union wants Congress to treat the legislation as a matter of national security.

The President of the group, Gary Wertish, says he spoke with the Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, recently and they both agree the 2023 Farm Bill needs a bigger budget. Wertish says Vilsack compared the bill to the U.S. Defense budget, saying it is just as important to our security.

He says we need to advocate the importance of the Farm Bill because it does not just impact farmers, it involves the entire food system.


Tennessee farmers share their Farm Bill priorities

Glenn GT Thompson lays out his 2023 Farm Bill priorities

How Senator Grassley is making sure those in need benefit in the next Farm Bill


So far, Black Cutworm Moths have been trapped in Wisconsin and Illinois. The invasive pest larvae can cause crop damage if the eggs are not destroyed before they hatch.
National Sorghum Producers Executive Director Greg Ruehle says there’s a discrepancy between sorghum producer’s reports of this year’s crop and the USDA’s forecast.