The Renders are the Southeast District Farm Family of the Year

Representing the diversity of Arkansas agriculture, Chad and Dawn Render have been selected as the 2020 Southeast District Farm Family of the Year.

Chad and Dawn sit down and speak with RFD-TV’s own Tammi Arender to share their story, what it means to receive this award, and how their harvest fared with all the storms that came through.

Dawn states, “To win this award has been an honor... over the last 20 years we have worked together as a unit and we’ve raised our family on the farm... We’re honored to accept this award, and to represent our county and district this year.”

It was a rough harvest this year on their operation. “It was looking to be a fantastic harvest, and then the first hurricane trickled in, and then the second and the third one. It was a very long harvest, a lot of wind damage, a lot of excess rain, lot of quality issues with our crops,” Chad explains. “Started out good but ended on a little bit of a tough, wet note.”


The Render Sisters stopped by to perform live on MDR