A 13-year-old in Michigan died in a cornfield Saturday after he was runover by a corn harvester.
According to the Huron Daily Tribune, the boy, who’s identity was not released, was dropped off in the field to deer hunt and apparently fell asleep.
“Preliminary investigation indicates that a (13)-year-old young man from Elkton had been dropped off earlier to deer hunt in that field and it is believed he may have fallen asleep once there,” Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson said in a press release. “A little while later, a 25-year-old man from Pigeon arrived to finish harvesting the field with a large Krone corn chopper. Unaware anyone was in it, the hunter was accidentally driven over and found by the chopper operator a very short while later.”
Emergency personnel in found the young boy around 9 a.m. and he was pronounced dead at the scene.