3 things to look for on RFD-TV news next week

Take a look at some of the headlines making news on the Market Day Report and Rural Evening News on RFD-TV.

1. Who will win RFD-TV’s THE AMERICAN?

We’ll know Sunday evening who went down in history as the
winner of the first ever richest one-day rodeo – RFD-TV’s THE AMERICAN
presented by Polaris Ranger.

World-class athletes competing in bull riding, saddle bronc
riding, bareback riding, barrel racing, tie-down roping, team roping and steer
wrestling will share $2 million in prize money, one of the largest single-day
payouts in the history of the sport.

All the action is airing live on RFD-TV starting with a
pre-show special at noon EST, followed by THE AMERICAN at 2 p.m. EST.

2. Tax Reform proposal

Leading organizations in the agriculture industry are combing over a tax reform plan unveiled recently in the House Ways and Means Committee.

The American Farm Bureau Federation president called the Tax Reform Act of 2014 released by Rep. Dave Camp, (R-MI) a strong start to needed discussion on tax reform.

The Farm Bureau listed several measures it supports, including lowering income tax rates and repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax.

It also said some measure raised red flags, like changes to what it called “key accounting methods.”

Read the Farm Bureau’s full press release and the highlights from the Ways and Means Committee.

3. Brazilian beef import proposal comment period extended

A public input period has been extended for a proposal to allow beef imports from Brazil into the United States, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association says.

NCBA leaders say they called on the United States Department of Agriculture to address concerns that allowing beef might open US cattle to foot-and-mouth disease

“This rule has major implications, not only on our relationships with trading partners, but also in relation to foreign animal disease management within this country,” said NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs Colin Woodall in the organization’s newsletter.

The new comment deadline is April 22, 2014. Click here to view the proposal summary and comment.

Watch The Market Day Report Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. EST and The Rural Evening News Monday through Friday at 7:30 p.m. ET.

3 things to look for on RFD-TV news next week