All About: Corn Warriors

Kevin Kalb shows off his Corn King championship ring

With 5 exciting seasons, Corn Warriors gives viewers an entertaining look inside an evolving industry as old as time. This Corn Contest brings on the drama as 6 farmers struggle to make profit on multi-generational farms, fight to survive the challenges of 21st century farming, and keep up with demand. While the Earth’s bounty is seemingly endless, Mother Nature is a stern task-maker for the Corn Warriors contestants. This high-yield corn contest showcases real life Warriors and the elements that every farmer deals with. Get a real look at what it takes to compete in a high-yield corn contest, and see who will obtain the title of Corn King.

Each episode contestants bring on the drama as they struggle to make a profit for multi-generational farms. Each competing farm gives a unique story of grit, determination, and hope, that encompasses the essence of the American spirit.

“Corn Warriors” captures the drama, passion and raw competition of turning soil into success in the 21st century. The competitors are no rookies – the sights are set on dethroning current world holder David Hula, a featured competitor himself. But where the competition with nature ends … the competition with each other begins.

It all starts with water, soil, sun, and seed – which becomes the ultimate bounty and the key to feeding the seven billion (and counting) humans residing on planet Earth. Although it is no easy task, watch these five farmers rise to the challenge and make their dent in agricultural history.
