House Ag Committee Chairman GT Thompson is drumming up bipartisan support for his Farm Bill, but the path remains uncertain.
He was able to secure four Democrat votes to move the bill out of committee but others are concerned over the bill’s deficit impact. According to Agri-Pulse, the bill’s fate may be influenced by the outcome of the November elections. Meanwhile, the prospects remain uncertain on the Senate side as well.
Bipartisan negotiations are currently underway there as well. Senator Chuck Grassley sheds light on Chair Debbie Stabenow’s efforts to find common ground, highlighting the need for compromise.
“I think she’s trying to work something out herself here in the United States Senate. And I think she’s sincerely trying to work something out, because I recently had a conversation with her, and she gave me a list of several things I have an interest in that she hopes will bring me around.”
Grassley proposes a measure that could save $8 billion, potentially redirecting money to enhance crop subsidy triggers or reference prices. He also notes that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says he is not ready to put a Farm Bill on the Senate floor.
“He’s going to try to get things done that have support within the committees of those subjects that he had on his list, and he doesn’t see a bipartisan agreement in Ag. Unless there’s a bipartisan agreement in Ag, there’s no point in him putting it on the agenda.”