Can we get approval and access to E15 in 2024?

The Environmental Protection Agency approved year-round access to E15 for eight Midwestern states beginning in 2025.
So, the question is now, what about 2024?

Senator Chuck Grassley is urging the EPA Administrator to move up its E15 authorization from 2025 to the end of this month. The Senator is also leading a delegation urging the Biden Administration to issue an emergency waiver permitting E15 sales nationwide this summer, just like he has the past two years.

According to Sen. Grassley, “57,000 jobs in Iowa. Nearly half of our corn goes to ethanol plants. Ethanol contributes over $6 billion to the Iowa economy. They do that every year here. The Iowa congressional delegation is working to ensure certainty for farmers, drivers, and retailers.”

He says that now is the time for the Biden Administration to listen to Iowans for clean, homegrown fuel, especially in the face of oil supply and price issues.

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