COVID response now that Joe Biden is in office

Today, Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th President of the United States and he has plans to unveil new policies day one.

Our Washington Bureau Chief Emily Buck speaks with Tammi Arender on what to expect from the President’s first day and how he plans to combat the pandemic.

According to Buck, the pandemic will continue to capture much of the focus. As part of his “100 Day Plan”, he will be pushing for a $1.9 trillion dollar COVID relief package that would put $20 billion towards universal vaccinations and setting up FEMA vaccination sites across the country.

Another feature would particularly benefit rural Americans.

“Within the first month of our administration, we are going to deploy mobile clinics moving from community to community, that will partner with community health centers and local primary care doctors to offer vaccines to hard hit and hard to reach areas in cities, small towns, and rural communities,” Biden explains. “To staff up these clinics, we will mobilize thousands of clinical and non-clinical professionals.”

In that same speech, Biden specifically mentioned the importance of increasing vaccination of essential workers, including food and ag. He says that he plans to create a system that is easier to understand, so people know when it is their turn to receive a dose.


A look at ag policies as Joe Biden takes office