Dr. Waller: $150 million in vegetable crop losses will be felt nationwide

We know so many of you are still recovering from February’s deadly winter storm. In fact, the losses to Texas agriculture alone are at $600 million dollars, and that is not the final estimate.

Texas A&M’s Dr. Mark Waller speaks with RFD-TV’s own Tammi Arender on ag sector updates and any long-term ripple effects.

According to Dr. Waller, “We have a citrus crop loss number right now of $230 million dollars and a vegetable crop loss number of $150 million dollars. The citrus crop number, especially, will likely go up; the numbers that you’re looking at there actually show more of a loss in next year’s production than in this year’s production...”


One Texas ag sector may have avoided the devastation of February’s winter storm

Texas citrus growers are finally able to assess the damages from recent winter storm

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