Easing Egg Prices: HPAI not hitting egg-layers in 2023

As Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza continues to spread, we’re following the latest egg prices. In February, costs were down nearly 7%.

“We haven’t had a case of Avian Influenza in an egg-laying operation since December that’s not to say we won’t have those going forward but for both January and February at least we did not have egg layers, commercial egg layers at least, that were impacted by Avian Influenza,” said USDA Economist Matt MacLachlan.

Despite the recent decrease, egg prices are still 55% higher than in February of last year.


Producers out West are learning from cotton growers in Louisiana and Mississippi this week at the National Cotton Council’s Producer Information Exchange Tour.
Meat exports were mixed for the first half of the year according to data compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation.