Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall says COVID-19 is “nothing to sneeze at”


In his column on the American Farm Bureau Federation website, Zippy Duvall said he felt very sick and exhausted and had a high fever as well as headaches during his fight with COVID-19

The headaches and fever have subsided but Duvall said two weeks later, his energy is still low even though he feels much better overall.

“My COVID-19 experience has been much lighter than others have had,” he wrote. “I’m blessed and grateful for that, but I also want to send prayers to everyone whose health has been more severely impacted, as well as those whose livelihoods have been threatened.”

The Farm Bureau President said he was able to participate in virtual meetings over the last two weeks but it took a lot out of him. Duvall has yet to get out and farm again, something he is looking forward to.

In the column, Duvall also doubled down on his fight for American farmers and ranchers. He is continuing to ensure USDA can respond quickly to “body blows” to farm markets and prices as well as working to ensure the next round of COVID-19 funding is more helpful to farm and ranch businesses.

“There’s a lot that’s happening now that we cannot change. But we can take care of ourselves and others, and we can keep working together to make our agriculture industry and our nation stronger,” he wrote. “Let’s all commit to being more accepting, courageous and wise as we deal with the pandemic and other challenges we may face in our own businesses, lives and communities. And let’s never forget how blessed we are to live in the United States of America.”