FarmHer Janna Anderson Makes Her Mark in Phoenix


Janna Anderson is a first-generation FarmHer who discovered a love of farming and is making her mark on the local food scene in the Phoenix area. A realization at a farmers market combined with a love for growing things spurred her to leave the nursing degree program she was in and sparked what has turned into a 20-year stint as a FarmHer. She started out small with just a little plot at a community garden and has grown leaps and bounds from there, learning along the way. Today Pinnacle Farms spans three different growing locations across the Phoenix Metro area.

Over the years she has grown the local-focused farm to 57 acres of ground and has woven in varieties that are suitable to desert growing. From a fruit orchard with over 1200 trees including lemons, grapefruits, oranges, mandarins, and peaches to the rare Maktoom Dates brought from Iraq in 1910, this farm is diverse. She also grows lettuce, carrots, beets, broccoli, snap peas, collards, and greens to name a few, and distributes it all wholesale, through a co-op, in local schools, and at her farm stand.

Watch FarmHer, Friday at 9:30 p.m. ET on RFD-TV.

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