Focus on Rural America poll shows Biden with lead in Midwest

With 90 days until the election, new polling shows momentum for Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden in the Midwest.

A Focus on Rural America poll has Biden leading President Trump by a margin of 52 percent to 41 lead over President Trump in Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

Of those surveyed, 47 percent were certain they were voting for Biden while 36 percent were certain they were voting for President Trump. Six percent of those surveyed were undecided.

Biden also pulled ahead specifically for issues in rural America.

“When we said, ‘Who do you think would do a better job for people living in small town and rural America,’ in 2016 this would not have been a close call, it would have been Trump over Clinton, but in these four battle ground states they choose Biden over Trump, 51 to 35,” said Jeff Link, an Iowa-based pollster. “I think that’s huge news for Biden and for Trump.”