Georgia’s runoff elections are today

Polls are now open in Georgia, where voters will decide the balance of power in the Senate. It is a runoff race for the “Peach State’s” two Senate seats.

The incumbent Republicans are Kelly Loeffler, who is seeking her first full term, and David Perdue, who has been in quarantine the past few days from exposure to coronavirus.

President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden hit the campaign trail ahead of the Senate vote in Georgia. The President used the promise of $2,000 dollar stimulus checks to rally Republican votes for Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

The President stated, “Kelly and David also both strongly support my efforts to provide $2,000 dollars stimulus checks to hard working Americans, across Georgia, and across the nation.”

The measure stalled in the Senate resulting in $600 dollar checks for Americans. President-elect Joe Biden says that Democratic candidates Rahael Warnock and Jon Ossoff would help push the vote through.

According to Biden, “Their election would put an end to the block in Washington on the $2,000 dollar stimulus check that money will go out the door immediately to people who are in real trouble. Think about what it will mean to your lives. Putting food on the table, paying rent, paying down your mortgage, gas bill, phone bill, electric bill.”

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue was also out stumping for his cousin David Perdue and Senate Agriculture Committee member, Kelly Loeffler.

“Folks, the eyes of Georgia, the eyes of the U.S., literally the eyes of the world are all on this race today, and that’s why I’m going with Senator Kelly Loeffler and as well, in absentia, my cousin David Perdue, to let the people of Georgia know their vote counts and their vote is needed,” he states.

In addition to control in the full Senate, the outcome of the vote in Georgia will also determine which party will hold leadership positions in Senate committees, including agriculture.