House Ag Democrats sign a letter saying “keep your hands off SNAP”

Right now, SNAP benefits take up 82 percent of the Farm Bill and could cost even more this year. With just over 50 days to go before the 2018 legislation expires, House Ag Democrats are warning the fight over SNAP could delay this year’s progress.

“We stand united against any efforts to take food away from children, families, or any vulnerable American in this Farm Bill or any legislation,” said Ag Ranking Member David Scott.

All Democratic members of the House Ag Committee sent a letter to House Speaker McCarthy, warning there will not be a Farm Bill if changes are made to SNAP.

Committee Chair GT Thompson says changes are necessary to get employable citizens out of the program.

“Let’s move from states going out of their way to keep employable individuals idle and disengaged and spend more time fostering connections with employers and education providers,” said Thompson.

Thompson adds he does not feel lawmakers would be doing their jobs if they did not explore changes to the nutrition title. USDA reported there was a nearly 12 percent error rate last year when it came to SNAP benefits.

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