“I cannot accept that": Sen. Grassley shuts down pre-conference Farm Bill talks post-election

Sand is quickly falling through the hourglass for one of U.S. agriculture’s most important legislative issues. While time is running out for the Farm Bill, Senator Chuck Grassley is shutting down any post-election quick fixes.

According to the Senator, “There’s been some talk of pre-conferencing a Farm Bill and doing it after the election. I cannot accept that, and I want to make sure that we have regular order when we have a Farm Bill, because there’s a lot of individual people that have ideas that ought to be in the Farm Bill. They should have an opportunity to offer amendments and with the pre-conferencing, there wouldn’t be such opportunity.”

He says that the Farm Bill could look vastly different after the election.

A Democratic Congress would value green energy and nutritional assistance programs and a Republican Congress would be more focused on reference pricing and supporting exports.

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