Kansas producers and livestock need to prepare for approaching triple-digit heat!

Heat advisories are already being issued for parts of central and northeastern Kansas as temperatures reach triple digits.
Heat indexes for the areas range from 100 degrees to 110 degrees, according to a report put out by the National Weather Service.

With high temperatures come heightened concerns for those working outside.

K-State Research and Extension advises farmers to wear lightweight and light-colored clothing when working outside and even suggests looking into cooling vests. Frequent breaks and staying inside during the hottest parts of the day is always a good idea. As is drinking water to stay hydrated.

The university also highlighted the importance of recognizing heat stroke symptoms such as high body temperatures, a fast, strong pulse, and confusion.
Always call 911 when such symptoms are presented.

Keeping cattle cool is also essential this time of year.

K-State Beef Extension Veterinarian, AJ Tarpoff says that simple changes make a big difference for cattle.

He suggests keeping cattle in well-controlled dry lots. Modifying feeding times so the feat of fermentation can take place during the cooler nighttime hours. Utilizing man-built sunshades can also help protect animals and even increase average daily gain.
Also, fence line sprinklers can help lower ground temperatures.