Farmers markets around the country reopen, including Kentucky. Vendors, customers, and markets are thriving.
The farmers market in downtown Lexington is operating a little different compared to last year. The market has been moved to a more open space, so vendors and customers alike can practice social distancing. Market manager Josh England devised a plan to restart the market, which was approved and moved to the new location in early May.
England states, “It was a pretty thorough plan and no one had major problems with it and it incorporated social distancing and hygiene, changes to physical space, changes to the culture of the farmer’s market temporarily and many, many, different kinds of aspects.”
Some of those changes include ten feet spacing between vendor booths, customers waiting in line at least six feet apart, limiting the number of people, and everyone inside the vendor area was asked to wear a face mask. Similar changes were implemented at a rural farmer’s market in Metcalfe County, where a drive-thru market was set up, and business doubled in the first month.
Market organizers say that it is important for customers to take ownership of implementing the safety practices because not all markets have enough staff to see the rules are enforced.