Ethanol production recently hit above the 800,000 barrel mark for the first time since the pandemic hit. Despite the increase, the industry continues to struggle as top biofuel groups continue to push the EPA to the new gap-filler refinery waivers.
Advocates say that the EPA continues to undermine the Renewable Fuel Standard and they want answers.
“The industries that our communities rely on like ethanol, biofuels, renewable fuels, these are all things that need our support more than ever, and the administration’s support, after hit after hit after hit with the number of small refinery exemptions that have been granted in the past,” Rep. Abby Finkenauer of Iowa said.
Ag groups ask that the President to not issue blanket exemptions for refineries following a Senate hearing in May, where administration officials confirmed their consideration of gap-fillers.
“We must take action to support and not undermine the industry and our farmers,” Rep. Finkenauer said. “Right now we’re talking about 50 percent of U.S. ethanol production capacity which has ceased operations, we’ve got economic uncertainty for our rural communities.”