Lawsuit filed against Tyson over COVID response, worker safety

A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Tyson Foods just days after we learned about a congressional investigation into the meatpacking industry and COVID.

The lawsuit claims that Tyson had twice as many COVID deaths than any other meatpackers. It also says that Tyson lied to shareholders about the safety precautions it was taking, and if investors knew the real situation, they would not have purchased Tyson stocks.

The lawsuit was filed by a Canadian man. It comes after the state of New York requested the SEC look into Tyson’s disclosure of safety regulations to shareholders.

This comes just days after a congressional subcommittee said it was launching an investigation into the meatpacking industry at large.

House lawmakers say that OSHA failed to protect workers from the virus, in the early days of the pandemic. They say that the nation’s largest meatpackers should also be held responsible because employees then went into their communities and spread the virus to others.

The meatpackers say that they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on safety measures in the last year.