Marketing could be tricky in the coming months, a grain trader warns

Marketing can be tricky but producers this year need to be extra vigilant. One grain trader says a lot can still happen as this year presses on.

“It is going to be a difficult marketing situation here over the course of the next several months. Opportunity probably exists that the USDA will have to step in and provide some type of support to producers if prices are going to stay this low. I’m not implying that’s imminent, but even with revenue assurance here, things are really, really tough when you have corn essentially well below the price of production or the cost of production, and the soybean market seems to be headed into that same area. And, as we mentioned, the wheat market has struggled here for some time. It just is not a real positive time here for producers. On the other hand, the end user is going to benefit from cheaper input costs and cheaper rations as we move through the next year here without some sort of a weather problem somewhere around the globe,” said Brain Irey.

Irey tells it is important for producers to stay on their toes and not let marketing opportunities pass by.

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