Gender reveals have become commonplace in society now. Many have seen the viral videos of showing someone smashing something with baseball bat or golf club to reveal a blue or pink powder signifying if the child will be a boy or girl.
Missouri’s Jessie Carver and Roper Stone had other ideas though, they used a bucking bull named Dopey.
The event came together quickly because Carver comes from a rodeo family so they had a good friend, Terry Nichols, who owned bucking bulls.
All it took to get things set was a 10-minute conversation with Nichols, who helped plan the event by selecting the arena and the date.
About 40 people were on hand at Hornback Arena in Sarcoxie, Missouri, where Dopey bucked for about 10 seconds and was met with cheers from the crowd. Dopey unveiled blue powder, meaning Jessie and Roper will have a baby boy.
“It was awesome, it was a big surprise of was really cool to see that bull come out,” Carver’s mother Dana said.
The gender of the baby was a pleasant surprise because Jessie wanted a boy. Dana, who comes from a family of four girls, said she was excited for her daughter.
The baby’s name will be Corbin James.