A strain on the availability of personal protective equipment is taking a toll on producers and ag groups have urged the Coronavirus Task Force to take additional steps to protect the health of farm employees and communities.
National Milk Producers Federation’s Alan Bjerga spoke with RFD-TV’s own Janet Adkison on what these farm groups want, the value of making sure resources are available for the supply chain, and the second round of CFAP.
According to Bjerga, “I think it’s important to note that, not only has the COVID crisis gone on a lot longer than some people were imagining... Even after this immediate threat ends, we’re going to be in an environment where pandemics and hygiene and health and personal protective equipment is going to be very important for a very long time... I think this is a call to the White House to acknowledge that and for us all to start taking our steps forward in doing our part to make sure that workplaces are safe for agricultural workers, by extension their families and everyone.”
More than 150 farm groups ask the federal government to for help protecting farm workers.
For more information click HERE.