Schools around the country will soon have to eliminate any posters or billboards advertising unhealthy snacks on campus.
The White House is banning junk food ads to build on new regulations setting sugar and fat limits for any food sold in schools.
The whole idea is if we don’t want our kids eating or drinking it, then we shouldn’t be advertising it to them either.
In Arlington County, Virginia, the school lunch is baked not fried. It also comes with fresh fruits and veggies.
Even the vending machines have gotten a makeover.
“We have had healthy foods in the vending machines for several years, but the vending machines used to say Coke, and Pepsi. Now, we’re advertising the healthy food that we are offering to the kids,” said Amy Maclosky, director for Food and Nutrition Services.
Arlington is already doing what the Obama administration is now requiring of schools nationwide -- eliminating any junk food ads on campus and only offering snacks that meet strict limits on calories, fat and sugar.
“If you can’t sell it, you really ought not to be able to market it,” said Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.
Vilsack announced the new regulations with first lady Michelle Obama.
“These changes will shape their habits and tastes for the rest of their lives,” said Obama.
Her “Let’s Move Campaign” is celebrating its fourth year fighting childhood obesity, in part through social media.
The American Beverage Association, with members like Pepsi and Coca-Cola, supports the new efforts. Even high school students are coming around.
“I think it is a good variety of healthy choices,” said freshman Michael Swingle.
The USDA is also expanding its school lunch program.
Starting this summer, schools with high poverty rates can give all students free breakfast and lunch.