No Water, No Hay: What farmers are battling out West from the drought

Farmers and ranchers out West are struggling with the lack of water and hay.

Stockman Oklahoma Livestock Marketing says producers have some grass, but no hay due to the lack of rain, and many smaller operators rely on hay year round. The marketing service says in Oklahoma, they do not have any advice on where a producer could actually find hay right now.

The shortage is leading many producers to sell their herds earlier than normal, but Stockman has not seen any producers completely sell out yet.


Drought leading ranchers to switch grazing strategies

Hay Update: How the drought is impacting the nation’s harvest and supplies

Drought Relief: Parts of the U.S. received some much needed rain



So far, Black Cutworm Moths have been trapped in Wisconsin and Illinois. The invasive pest larvae can cause crop damage if the eggs are not destroyed before they hatch.
National Sorghum Producers Executive Director Greg Ruehle says there’s a discrepancy between sorghum producer’s reports of this year’s crop and the USDA’s forecast.