Now or Never: North Dakota wheat producers play “catch-up” this planting season

A critical mission is underway right now to get crops in the ground in the upper Midwest.

Mother nature has put the hurt on North Dakota farmers, and the latest crop progress report shows the state is severely behind in planting progress.

A frequent guest on the Market Day Report, Tommy Grisafi is taking part in a “boots on the ground tour.” He spoke with RFD-TV’s own Suzanne Alexander about what he hopes to learn, the obstacles weather has caused for farmers, how critical the situation is in North Dakota, and an update on the sugar beet crop.


USDA Crop Progress Report-- May 31, 2022

Update from the Field on #Plant22: Spiritwood, North Dakota

“Storm of the Century” hits N. Dakota amid calving season

Scouts are hitting the fields for this year’s Hard Red Winter Wheat Tour