Old Wives’ Tales about Spring


If you have ever been to a farm, you have probably met a Granny that is full of colloquial wisdom on how things work. From weather to planting to the predicted harvest, Granny has an Old Wives’ Tale about everything. We’ve put a list together of some of our springtime favorites.

A cold May and a windy April, a full barn.

Plants of darkness (grown underground) should be planted in the dark of the moon, or they’ll go all to tops.

Above-ground crops should be planted in the light of the moon

If it thunders on All Fool’s Day, it brings good crops of corn and hay.


“March’ll search ye, April try ye; May’ll tell, whether live or die ye.”

A cold and moist April fills the cellar and fattens the cow

A dewy morning brings a good haying day.

To successfully grow hot peppers, one must get mad while planting them.


A heavy dew at night promises a good day to follow.

If, when you blow out a candle, the wick smolders for a long time, bad weather is on the way.

If it rains on the first Sunday of the month, every Sunday except one usually will be wet.

A halo around the moon as a warning of rain or snow


Thunder in winter signals snow about a week later

Red sky at night, sailor’s delight; red sky in the morning, sailor’s take warning

Achy joints? Cold weather is coming!

Cows lie down when rain is on the way.


What other Old Wives’ Tales do you know about spring? Join the conversation on our Facebook!