Partnering space technology with agricultural science

More evidence that science in space benefits agriculture on Earth. USDA and NASA are strengthening their long-standing partnership.

The two agencies signed a memorandum of understandings to use their research to benefit each other.

NASA has developed all kinds of technology and can measure the Earth from space. USDA know that the science behind agriculture, conservation, food security, and land.

Over the next decade, they will explore how NASA’s technology can address gaps in agriculture.

Secretary Sonny Perdue praised the agreement, saying, “Increasing innovation in agriculture is limitless. This partnership will bring together the best research, science, and technology we have to offer, to help produce more food to feed the growing world.”

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said, “I believe that NASA, in partnering with USDA, could transform farming and bolster agricultural production in ways we can’t even imagine today.”


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