President Trump celebrates expansion of market access

Expanding market access for exports is a priority for industry leaders and speaking directly to farm broadcasters, President Trump celebrated trade wins for farmers.

“I’ve taken historic action to pry open foreign markets and knock down unjust barriers to American goods. Last year, Europe agreed to increase beef imports by 180 percent and Japan agreed to eliminate or reduce tariffs on over $7 billion dollars of U.S. food and agricultural products. Japan will be purchasing $40 billion dollars worth of your products,” President Trump said.

Last week, the USMCA officially went into effect. The President said the deal was the “largest and most balanced trade deal in history.” He also called NAFTA “one of the worst deals ever made in the history of trade.”

Under USMCA, dairy and wheat producers are expected to see better access in Canada.

“As a part of the deal, Canada has agreed to lift unfair restrictions on American dairy, including horrible tariffs... those horrible tariffs are now going to be gone and a wide array of exports to Canada are expected to surge dramatically,” President Trump said.

The President also addressed the trade deal with China. He stated that the Asian nation is making progress on Phase One purchases.

“I delivered over $28 billion dollars in relief to farmers suffering from Chinese economic aggression, meaning you were targeted, and we were able to secure a groundbreaking phase one trade deal with China. That was agreed to increase your agricultural purchases, all the way up from $12 billion dollars to $40-50 billion dollars a year, and believe it or not, so far, they are purchasing, they are on track,” President Trump said. “I will never stop working to give you the level playing field you deserve. As President, I have borne witness to unyielding strength, brilliance, and devotion of the American farmer. You are among the most skilled, dedicated, and determined and talented workers the world has ever known.”