Recap of the final push before Election Day from Trump, Biden

President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden hit the campaign trail in key battleground states for one last appeal to voters.

On Monday, the President held five rallies across four states, including North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

President Trump stated, “With your vote, we will continue to cut your taxes, cut regulations, support our great police, support our magnificent military, protect your Second Amendment, defend religious liberty, and ensure more products are proudly stamped with that beautiful phrase-- ‘Made in the USA.’”

Trump also took a jab at Biden over his stance on fracking, an industry that supports almost 30,000 jobs in Pennsylvania.

“A big part of your livelihood, your money, your income, your low taxes is fracking,” Trump stated. “He spent over a year saying he will not allow fracking.”

Biden also held four events in Pennsylvania on Monday.

Throughout the campaign he has maintained he never said he would ban fracking, but his plans do include a push for more green energy, that he says would replace lost drilling jobs.

According to former VP Biden, “Farm bankruptcies are way up, exports are way down, agricultural exports to China during the Trump years have been 40 percent lower than they were when we were in our second term, and he even says because of his bailouts to farmers-- that’s your tax dollars by the way-- quote, ‘our farmers are doing better now then when they actually had a farm.”

Biden also says his plan would bring more companies back from overseas.

“My policy is going to hold China accountable. I’ll end the Trump loopholes that incentivize companies to ship jobs overseas,” he adds. “I’ll add a 10 percent surtax on companies that do ship jobs overseas.”

He also promised a 10 percent credit to companies that bring jobs back to America.

For the battleground states, a polling average from Real Clear Politics currently has Biden ahead in Pennsylvania, plus 1.2, but Trump is now ahead by 1.4 in Ohio and 0.2 in North Carolina.

Here is what the Senate Agriculture Committee will look like pending the outcome of today’s election.

Chairman Pat Roberts is retiring, so if Republicans maintain control, John Boozman of Arkansas will likely take the helm. Should Democrats win a majority, Debbie Stabenow from Michigan could regain the chairmanship.

The rank of chair is decided during a committee conference, so certainty cannot be guaranteed until then across the Capital.

In the House Agriculture Committee, Collin Peterson of Minnesota is the incumbent seeking reelection. He is locked in a bitter race with Republican Michelle Fishback. If he loses, it is likely Congressman David Scott of Georgia or Jim Costa of California would take over.

Michael Conaway of Texas is the ranking member on the committee, but he is not running for reelection. Congressman GT Thompson of Pennsylvania holds the next highest rank. The rest of the Republican committee members are relatively young, in terms of years in Congress.

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