RFA is fired up over ethanol waiver rumors

Ethanol groups are fired up over rumors the Trump administration could grant last-minute biofuel waivers.

Reuters reported the story this week saying that EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler is considering waivers from 2019. The Renewable Fuels Association says that if the rumors are true, it would be a new low.

The group predicts the Biden administration will move quickly to restore any ethanol volumes that were erased.

President and CEO Geoff Cooper says that just like last year, Wheeler said appeals process needs to play out: “Now, he’s going back on that; he’s flatly contradicting his own assertion that the appeals process needs to play out, because the appeals process is still very much alive. We had the Supreme Court late last week say that it will review the 10th Circuit decision.”

That decision overturned most retroactive blending waivers to oil firms. RFA is urging the new administration to immediately reject the 66 pending oil refiner requests.

The CEO of the American Coalition for Ethanol sent a letter to the EPA’s inspector General.

Brian Jennings asked the IF to preserve all correspondence with the Trump administration’s appointees about the pending waivers.

He stated, “This information, in part, is needed to ensure that dispensation of these waiver petitions comply with federal laws regarding political appointees’ roles in federal acts affecting a personal financial interest.”