Rural America Live with AARP

Thursday, March 19, 2020
10 PM ET | 9 PM CT | 8 PM MT | 7 PM PT

AARP state directors return to take your calls and answer your questions during this live one-hour call in show, sharing helpful insights and tips to help you and your family.

What makes a community a great place for all ages? From housing to transportation, and safe streets to access to needed services - Rural America Live with AARP will explore what it means to be a livable community in rural America. As always, we welcome your calls and questions. Join the Conversation, Thursday, March 19 at 10 pm ET/9 pm CT only on RFD-TV.

Tune in every third Thursday of the month at 10PM ET throughout 2020, when AARP will be our regular guest on RURAL AMERICA LIVE.

Learn more HERE.