Senator Chuck Grassley on the status of the next COVID-19 bill

Passage of the new COVID relief bill has largely fallen on party lines. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says that Democrats would not entertain debate on a bill.

“I don’t thin were going to have a CARES Act unless Pelosi opens up discussion with the White House, because Schumer has turned down the opportunity that we had in the Senate, he didn’t even let us get to a debate. He didn’t even want Democrats to be able to offer amendments,” Sen. Grassley notes. “So, it’s a sad case. He’s denying after September 8th there isn’t going to be any enhanced unemployment benefits. The $300 dollars that the President did by executive order runs out on September 8th, our bill would have extended it until the end of the year.”

Meanwhile, President Trump tells Republicans to go for higher numbers in order to secure an agreement.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer released a statement saying, “We look forward to hearing from the President’s negotiators that they will finally meet us halfway with a bill that is equal to the massive health and economic crises gripping our nation.”