Kansas Senator Roger Marshall is launching a new monthly video series called “Ag Talk With Doc” where he sits down with industry leaders to discuss the latest issues.
As farmers deal with high input prices caused by supply chain challenges, Former Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue says America needs to be more independent.
“One of the solutions may be, we have depended on foreign sources too much. We need to make policy wise so we can make it profitable here to make those kinds of items. From a regulatory perspective and from a profitability standpoint, to make those things here and not be dependent.”
After seeing gaps in the food supply chain, farm state lawmakers have started calling for the Secretary of Agriculture to have more oversight of foreign involvement in production.
“Our protection of our agricultural assets and the opportunity to grow independently our food and fiber here in in fuel, United States is critical for national security. I absolutely believe the Secretary of Agriculture ought to be a permanent member of CFIUS committee that makes a decision whether we are selling.”
Senator Roger Marshall also discussed the Farm Bill process with Perdue and said hasn’t heard too many complaints so far.
“As I asked some of the folks, I’m meeting what are their concerns about the past farm bill and really aren’t getting oh my gosh. Three years ago, when we were working on a farm bill, I was getting concerns people were telling me look arc and plc are good programs. We ought to be able to change them year by year. We got that accomplished folks continue to say prioritizing crop insurance in general. Probably the biggest concern I have is that nobody’s really talking about a farm bill. Back in Washington DC. They’re very focused on environmental issues.”
Perdue said his team tried to find the right balance when implementing conservation programs and viewed “good conservation as good agriculture.”
“That’s where the rules and regulations come in. That’s where the partnership between Congress and USDA came about, of developing the rules because we wanted to follow that really the intent of congress, a challenge in that regard is on your side, there may be one intent. On the other side, there was another intent. We had to meld those together to make sure that the consensus intent of congress and that law was what was implemented my rule and regulation.”
Perdue said one of the rules he is concerned about right now is the waters of the US regulations and says the wrong ruling could be catastrophic for agriculture.
To view the full conversation or to tune in for the next one, visit Senator Marshalls YouTube page.
Sonny Perdue on his career highlights
Conservation is the “loudest topic” on Capitol Hill, according to Sen. Marshall
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