An at-home hospice patient told his caretakers he was missing something in his life. When the staff found out what it was he wanted, they came together to grant him one last wish.
Jenis Grindstaff wanted to be baptized before his battle with cancer was over.
Grindstaff had spent time in the Navy in Cuba and Guantanamo and was also an air traffic controller for 25 years. He told WYFF news he had always loved Jesus, but hadn’t been baptized.
His son Craig said, “The rest of his family, his brothers and sisters, have been baptized, and for some reason or another, he just never got around to getting it done.”
Chaplain Terrell Jones baptized him.
Jones said, “It’s about our patients wishes. We’re grateful to honor Mr.Grindstaff’s whites.”
The video of Grindstaff’s baptism has more than 200,000 views.
Grindstaff says he will pass some tome drawing, as he imagines what heaven will be like.
“Streets of gold, and all that,” he said.